
E.E. Cummings once wrote, "To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best, day and night, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop fighting."

à moi vous êtes parfait; 13:10


hot as hell

bloodyhell. damn hot tdy la.
tennis in the morn was okay, partially cloudy with showers. sounding like a weathergirl, not the point! haha neways,my cheeks and nose are like red! not red, red as in tomato red tho. haha rubbish.

saw lemin tdy! went out with him and roy and niq, to discuss bout the taiwan trip
gon be one helluva road trip i tell ya! lol with crazy niq in the damn car. hes like some hyper monkey on prozac. honestly, he cant sit still fer like a min. hahaha! but its quite amusing tho, the stupid things he does

okay. seriously tired now. gon go.

à moi vous êtes parfait; 22:06



im back and i dun believe it! haha
im like too freeking free i thnk. jez found me this skin. its nice, i like it! (:
now, to put up a tag board or sth
troublesome eh

okay bye. short post = good post.

à moi vous êtes parfait; 00:41